Now, however, it appears as though Freeney is getting better by the day and is seriously looking at playing this Sunday. He told the media that he does in fact feel better and that he is walking barefoot on the beach in an effort to strengthen his ankle in conjunction with his normal rehab.
Robert Mathis seemed to let the cat out of the bag when he said that Freeney could play on third downs and in passing situations, while Raheem Brock played on running downs. But if Gregg Williams didn't already figure that out, his stupidity would reach new heights.
Personally, I expect that Freeney will play, even if his time is limited. Any player who would sit out of the Super Bowl better be missing a limb. It's the biggest football game in the world, the most-watched program in the world, and is overall one of the biggest spectacles on the planet.
So unless he's got to have his entire foot taken off, I expect Freeney to play.