Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Bad News Gets Worse For Buffalo

After suffering a heart-breaking loss to the New England Patriots on Monday Night Football, the Bills then learned that they will be without their up-and-coming star at linebacker, Paul Posluszny due to a broken arm.

A Buffalo fan will remember that Posluszny missed his rookie season in 2006 because of a broken arm, but there's some good news on that front. Posluszny only broke one bone in his arm as opposed to breaking both, as was the case in '06.

He broke half the amount of bones, so he'll miss only about half the time, right?

Well, maybe even less than that. Eight weeks is probably a bit much to miss for a broken bone, and he'll probably miss five or six weeks until the arm is healed. It will require surgery, but it will just be to place pins in the arm and get him on the right track more quickly.

So, Buffalo, don't expect him back before Week Six or Seven.

Until then, the Bills could be in the market for a linebacker.

Actually, the may wind up being in the market for a defensive end as well, as Chris Kelsay got leg-whipped Monday night and there has been no report on his status. If Buffalo loses both of those players, it could get very ugly, very quickly.

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