"If as an individual I'm not really in their future plans I would like to go elsewhere."
There was a lot of talk about respecting the Patriots and "the nature of the beast" and all the other PC nonsense that players will litter their "get me the hell out of here" plea with in order to look like a team player.
Moss, however, has already proven throughout his career that he's not a team player, so I'm not exactly sure why he's trying to keep the illusion going when no one is buying it.
But now he's saying that he doesn't believe the Pats will re-sign him and he would like to move on. He was careful to say how he would play his hardest in 2010 and whatever else, but he would like to get traded right now if it were possible.
He realizes he's getting old, the Pats aren't going to give him the money he wants, and he's got an opportunity for one last contract. But, he understands that the possibility of a lockout in 2011 is a strong one and would like his contract before then so he doesn't have to wait for 2012.
He understands that there is a team out there willing to overpay him, and he'd like the Patriots to ship him to whatever city that team happens to play in.
So if there's a team out there looking for a guy who will play his hardest about 75 percent of the time and want to be paid about $10 million per season, Randy Moss might just be your man.