So when the owner of the St. Louis Blues, Dave Checketts, brought the polarizing radio show host Rush Limbaugh aboard in a group looking to purchase the team, he must have been patting himself on the back, knowing he made a phenomenal choice.
Or, you know, a choice that could kill his chances of ever getting his grubby paws on another professional sports team in St. Louis.
What exactly did this guy think he was doing by bringing on a blowhard like Rush Limbaugh? Did he listen to his show and think, "Wow, what a very smart and articulate person. I'd love to have him join my team despite the fact that he already has an awful relationship with the NFL and its fans around the country."
Even fans around the country who don't exactly support Donovan McNabb were appalled when Limbaugh attacked him, and all other black quarterbacks, during his short-lived stint on ESPN as an NFL analyst.
And by the way, who the hell thought that was a good idea?
There's a reason why Barack Obama didn't bring Hillary Clinton onto the ticket when he was running for president. What's the reason? Oh, because she's incredibly polarizing and not a great figure to have in your corner when trying to gain a majority vote in anything.
If there's one person more polarizing than Hillary, it's Limbaugh.
Because we all know that Barack Obama is a NAZI socialist, the NFL has a conspiracy to help black quarterbacks succeed, Michael J. Fox exaggerates his Parkinson's disease, and your opinion only matters when you're hopped up on Oxycontin.
Mr. Checketts, I'm all for second chances and can look past this mistake, but don't be surprised if your decision-making is questioned at every turn throughout this entire process. But let's be honest, anyone who would bring tha clown aboard deserves to be questioned.