Go figure.
Head Coach John Fox has insisted that it's not just one guy causes the Panther's to fall from a Super Bowl contender to a team that's considered just a hair better than the Rams, and that's arguable. With that said, Fox is sticking by his guy.
Listen, its time to take this car back to the junk yard and see what they will give you for the parts. You've been nursing it to long and right now you sound a lot like Dan Ackroyd in Ghostbusters when he rolls up in Ectomobile, with a list of parts needed. Brakes, brake pads, shocks, you get the picture.
I mean I understand, every family has that car they just can't care to part with. You replace the battery, the starter, and the alternator. Then the brakes go, the tranny needs work, and you lose a cylinder.
Piece by piece you try and duct tape that beast together, just for the sake of keeping it running and because you can't bare the thought of letting go. Problem is, it's a money pit. Jake's your money pit, John.
You can keep on thinking you're going to be able to go "Pimp my Ride" on him, overhauling his broken down self, and dropping a flat screen and popcorn maker in the backseat. You might even have dreams of one day rebuilding his engine with your son and getting him some of those "classic" license plates.
But you know good and well he's going to leave you stranded in a bad neighborhood every Sunday, having to walk home and probably getting your wallet stolen on the way.
Wise up Jon, take him to the yard, get what you can for him, and say goodbye.