How they wanted him to return is unclear, but it would most likely have been in either a consultant role like Tom Moore and Howard Mudd in Indianapolis, or as a front office-type like Bill Parcells in Miami.
Well now Tony Dungy has responded to the rumors and really has made Chris Myers look like a damn fool.
It's never good when you "drop a bomb" and the person it's about comes out and not only denies what you said, but refutes it completely saying he's got no idea what you're talking about and that even if he did, it wouldn't happen anyway.
Well, here's the actually Dungy quote:
"I have had no contact with the Bucs and have no interest in doing anything other than what I am doing" on NBC's Football Night In America.
Well, there you have it, Chris.
Dungy goes on to say that he loves working for NBC and wants to get better at that (which, there's definitely room for improvement). He also has reiterated that he has no interest in returning to coaching.
If Tony Dungy reads this site (which I'm assuming, ya know, he doesn't), here's some quick tips.
Dungy, we love what you have to say. You're obviously very, very knowledgeable. However, when you're on TV, you need to look at the camera. During your back and forth with Rodney Harrison you have a habit of looking at him the entire time you're talking.
You're not talking to him, Tony. You're talking to us.
Also, maybe interrupt Harrison a little more often. He really is nothing more than a blowhard moron -- has been since the day he entered the league.