The D.A. said that they could not prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Cable did anything wrong in the incident, and therefore would not, and I'm paraphrasing, waste everyone's time with a case that he knew they could not win.
And really, there is no way to prove that Cable did anything wrong. The other assistant coaches did not corroborate Hanson's story, and that's the only way for a case to move forward. Hanson hurt his own cause by initially refusing to say what had happened as that point was emphasized in the statement by the D.A. announcing his decision.
There probably will be an investigation by the NFL because even though Cable has escaped criminal charges, there is still the issue of something like this even being brought into question between a boss and employee. It's not something that the NFL wants to occur, and could still punish Cable if they find he was in the wrong.
The most likely scenario at this point would be a fine, as a suspension would cause an uproar when there are no criminal charges being filed.
Either way, expect something to happen and for Commissioner Goodell to decide on something within the next few weeks.