Monday, September 14, 2009

NFL Determines Late Hit on McNabb Legal

According to Adam Schefter, the NFL has reviewed the hit on Donovan McNabb and have said that it was in fact a legal hit, and that there will be no fines for the Panthers players who landed on him.

Now, granted, I'm not an NFL official and I may not have the rulebook memorized. However, I'm fairly certain that it is illegal for a player to land on top of another player after the play is over. When a hit occurs late (late as in after the whistle), it's usually referred to as a "late hit." As far as I know, that's a penalty. And from what I know about penalties, they are in fact illegal.

Not illegal like I want Tyler Brayton hauled off to jail or anything, but a nice fine would certainly make anyone watching that play feel a little better.

Let's be honest for a second. Sometimes when we see something, we know what it is. Everyone looking at that play had the same immediate reaction: "Well there's 15."

Oh no Mr. Random-guy-watching-the-game. You apparently have no idea what you're talking about. Evidently it is okay to land on top of a player once the play is over. Let's completely forgot that the supposed point of this whole offseason was to focus on player safety. Not only player safety, but especially the safety of the quarterbacks.

Last I checked, McNabb is a quarterback (cue the funny people who think saying "barely!" is funny... it's not).

The NFL has made a mistake on this one, plain and simple.

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